Split URL Testing

Split URL Testing is a method used to compare two versions of the page to determine which page is performing better. For example, if you want to redirect 50% of the users from Page a to Page b to see which page performs better. Here are the steps to be followed for conducting the split url testing in this scenario:

  • Create an experience

  • Enter the URL's of two pages you want to test. One URL will be the original page(Page A) and the other URL will be the redirection URL(Page B)

  • Create a behavior

  • Click on the open visual editor and choose the Page A

  • Click on </>

  • Choose the Redirection/Split url option

  • Provide the Page B URL to which you want the customer to be redirected and then click on Save Changes

  • Click on Finalize and Exit

  • If you need to make any change to Page B then click on open visual editor and choose the Page B. Make the necessary changes to the Page B. Click on Finalize and Exit

  • Once everything is done, split the traffic as 50%-50% between Page A and Page B

Reference loom video:


Personalize the Redirection/ Split URL


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