Click event

For click events, supports three types of operator types:

Has been clicked

CustomFit supports the following conditions for has been clicked operator type

Frequency Exactly

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button exactly 3 times in the last 10 days then serve them B1 behavior

Frequency Atmost

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button atmost 3 times in the last 10 days then serve them B1 behavior

Frequency Atleast

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button atleast 1 times in the last 10 days then serve them B1 behavior

Duration On

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button atleast 1 times on 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Duration In the last

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button atleast 1 times in the last 10 days then serve them B1 behavior

Duration In between

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button atleast 1 times between 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) and 01/20/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Duration Before

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button atleast 1 times before 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Duration After

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked on Get pricing button atleast 1 times after 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Has not been clicked

CustomFit supports the following conditions for has not been clicked operator type

Duration On

For example, targeting visitors who have not clicked on Get pricing button on 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Duration In the last

For example, targeting visitors who have not clicked on Get pricing button in the last 10 days then serve them B1 behavior

Duration In between

For example, targeting visitors who have not clicked on Get pricing button between 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) and 01/20/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Duration Before

For example, targeting visitors who have not clicked on Get pricing button before 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Duration After

For example, targeting visitors who have not clicked on Get pricing button after 01/10/2021(MM/DD/YYYY) then serve them B1 behavior

Compare click by count

CustomFit supports the following conditions for click by count operation type

Frequency Greater than

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button more number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the last 10 days then, serve them Startup Behavior

Frequency Greater than Equals

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button more or same number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the last 10 days then, serve them Startup Behavior

Frequency Less than

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button less number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the last 10 days then, serve them SMB or Enterprise Behavior

Frequency Less than Equals

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button less or same number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the last 10 days then, serve them SMB or Enterprise Behavior

Frequency Equals

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button same number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the last 10 days then, serve them SMB or Enterprise or Startup behavior

Duration On

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button more number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button on 10/01/2021 then, serve them Startup Behavior

Duration In the last

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button more number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the last 10 days then, serve them Startup Behavior

Duration In between

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button more number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button between 10/01/2021 and 20/01/2021 then, serve them Startup Behavior

Duration Before

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button more number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the before 10/01/2021 then, serve them Startup Behavior

Duration After

For example, targeting visitors who have clicked Startup plan button more number of times when compared to SMB plan & Enterprise plan button in the after 10/01/2021 then, serve them Startup Behavior

Last updated