Change Log

Released on 19/05/2021

Dynamic Dashboard Analytics[Improvement]

In the dashboard page previously we displayed the Analytics with the start of the month and did not have any option to select the date range. But now you will be able to select the date range in which you wish to see the analytics.

Top pages[New]

For a while now the CustomFit dashboard has included some basic visitor analytics like page views and unique visitors. But now the analytics dashboard has got a complete overhaul. Everything that's new is described in more detail below.

  1. Page Views: It gives you the number of Total and Unique page views. It helps you in identifying the pages with the top views and you can personalize those pages rather than personalizing the pages which have less number of views.

  2. Start Sessions: The number of sessions started from the given page.

  3. Average Duration: The average time spent by the visitors on the given page. These metrics help you in understanding on which page the visitor is spending more time and on which page the visitor is spending less time. Based on this metric you can personalize the pages with less average duration and increase the duration by showing them the relevant content.

  4. Bounce Rate: It gives you the number of sessions in which the visitor is entering and leaving the same page without browsing other pages. It helps you in identifying the pages which have the highest and lowest bounce rate pages and concentrate on personalizing the pages which have the highest bounce rate by showing the relevant content and helping the visitor to reach the goal event.

  5. Scroll Depth: It helps you in understanding which page has the most scroll depth and which page has the least scroll depth. You can also see the metrics based on the device type. You can personalize the page which has less scroll depth by showing the relevant content and helping the visitor to go down to the end of the page and get good information about the product.

Traffic to the website through various UTM parameters[New]

This graph helps you in understanding from which different UTM parameters the website is receiving the traffic. You can check the traffic based on

  1. Top 10 UTM parameters

  2. Bottom 10 UTM parameters

  3. All the UTM parameters

  4. Daywise metrics for each UTM parameters

  5. Cumulative metrics for each UTM parameters

These metrics help you in personalizing the traffic through which your website is receiving more traffic rather than personalizing some random traffic. For example, consider if you are receiving more traffic to your website based on the competitor keyword then you can personalize the website to say how your product is better than your competitor.

Traffic to the website through various Geography[New]

This graph helps you in understanding from which different geographic locations the website is receiving the traffic. You can check the traffic based on

  1. Cities

  2. Countries

  3. Continent

  4. Top 10

  5. Bottom 10

  6. All

  7. Cumulative metrics

  8. Daywise metrics

These metrics help you in understanding to personalize the webage based on the geographic location from which you are receiving more traffic.

Traffic to the website based on Tech[New]

This graph helps you in understanding what are the different techs which visitors are using to visit the website. You can check the traffic based on

  1. Different browsers

  2. Different device types

  3. Different operating system

  4. Top 10

  5. Bottom 10

  6. All

  7. Cumulative metrics

  8. Daywise metrics

Traffic to the website through various Acquisition channels[New]

Instead of just showing all referrers in a list, the most important sources are now split up into direct, referral, organic and social. Social describes all traffic coming from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and so on. Organic traffic comes from search engines (Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, ..). The referral category contains all other traffic that comes from outside websites. When visitors type your website address into their browser's address bar or visits your website via a bookmark, it's counted as direct traffic. You can check the traffic based on

  1. Top 10

  2. Bottom 10

  3. All

  4. Cumulative metrics

  5. Daywise metrics

These metrics will help you in understanding which channel is driving more traffic to your website and personalize the website to those channels.

Overall traffic based on with & without CustomFit[New]

Previously there was no way to check how many visitors have seen the default behavior and how many visitors have seen the personalized content. And what is the overall lift?

Now on the experience page, you can see the following metrics

  1. Default Sessions(Without CustomFit) - Total number of sessions by unique visitors under default behavior of all the experiences. Personalized Sessions(with CustomFit) - Total number of sessions by unique visitors under CustomFit's personalized behaviors of all the experiences.

  2. Default Goals(Without CustomFit) - Total number of goals achieved by unique visitors under the default behavior of all the experiences. Personalized Goals(With CustomFit) - Total number of goals achieved by unique visitors under CustomFit's personalized behaviors of all the experiences.

  3. Default Conversions(Without CustomFit) - (Default Goals/Default Sessions)100. Personalized Conversions(With CustomFit) - (Personalized Goals/Personalized Sessions)100.

  4. Lift - The lift in the personalization conversion when compared with the default conversion.

  5. Statistical significance - indicates confidence that the goal triggered is reliable and not due to chance. If the value is N/A there is not enough data. And when you move the cursor over the Stat sig then you can see the confidence level wrt various values.

And all the above data you can see based on your requirement of the custom date range.

Experience table with new metrics[New]

Previously there was no way to check which experience is receiving more traffic and which experience is giving you more conversions.

Now in the experience table, you can see the following metrics

  1. Default Sessions - Total number of sessions by unique visitors under default behavior of an experience. Personalized Sessions - Total number of sessions by unique visitors under all CustomFit's personalized behaviors of an experience.

  2. Default Goals - Total number of goals achieved by unique visitors under the default behavior of an experience. Personalized Goals - Total number of goals achieved by unique visitors under all CustomFit's personalized behaviors of an experience.

  3. Default Conversions - (Default Goals/Default Sessions)100. Personalized Conversions - (Personalized Goals/Personalized Sessions)100.

  4. Lift - The lift in the personalization conversion when compared with the default conversion.

  5. Statistical significance - indicates confidence that the goal triggered is reliable and not due to chance. If the value is N/A there is not enough data.

Experience overview[Improvement]

Previously we were displaying the various information as a separate column. Now we have moved all the experience information into a popup. If you click on experience info then you can see all the required information in one single popup

Naming the rules[Improvement]

Previously you did not have an option to edit the rule name. It was named by default. Now you can edit the rule name as per your requirement. It also helps you in understanding the experience insights and goals insights in a better way.

Confirmation action in experience targeting[Improvement]

When you make any changes in the targeting page and try to switch to other tabs without saving the changes then you will be prompted with a confirmation popup. Previously we did not have this option so when you move from experience targeting to other pages then your changes would have been missed.

Dynamic Experience Insights[Improvement]

Previously you did not have an option to view the experience insights based on your custom date range. Now you can see the experience insights based on your requirement. And you can also check the lift against different behavior if you have more than one personalized behavior to understand which personalized behavior is giving you more lift.

Enhanced Experience Insights[New]

Previously we just had how many times the visitors have seen the personalized behavior and how many unique visitors have seen the personalized behavior. Now we have added few more metrics to provide you better insights.

  1. Total Goals Achieved - Number of times the goal action has been triggered under a given behavior. At least one goal trigger is enough to increment this goal count in case of multiple goals triggered per session. Unique Goals Achieved - Number of times the goal action has been triggered by a unique visitor under a given behavior. At least one goal trigger is enough to increment this goal count in case of multiple goals.

  2. Conversions - (Unique Goals Achieved / Unique Sessions) * 100.

  3. Lift - Change when compared to the selected behavior. By default, the lift will be calculated against default behavior

  4. Stat Sig - Statistical significance indicates confidence that the goal triggered is reliable and not due to chance. By default, we compare the statistical significance with the default behavior. If the value is N/A then for one of the behavior there are not enough sessions.

  5. Session Duration - Average session duration spent on the website after the visitor has seen this behavior. It helps you in understanding under which behavior the visitor is spending more time or less time.

  6. Property Insights - Property insights give you a deeper understanding of the sessions. For example, from which team, most of the visitors are falling under a given behavior. The property insights can be drilled down to the rule level under a behavior.

  7. Now we also show which rule is contributing more to the behavior traffic. For example, if we have multiple rules contributing to the same behavior then you can see the fine grain data of which rule is giving you more conversions.

  8. Apart from all the above new metrics we also show what are the various traffic channels which are driving the traffic to the given behavior.

Dynamic Experience Goal Insights[Improvement]

Previously you did not have an option to view the experience goal insights based on your custom date range. Now you can see the experience goal insights based on your requirement. And you can also check the lift against different behavior if you have more than one personalized behavior to understand which personalized behavior is giving you more lift.

Enhanced Experience Goal Insights[New]

The new metrics consists of

  1. Stat Sig - Statistical significance indicates confidence that the goal triggered is reliable and not due to chance. By default, we compare the statistical significance with the default behavior. If the value is N/A then for one of the behavior there are not enough sessions.

  2. Now we also show which rule is contributing more to the behavior traffic. For example, if we have multiple rules contributing to the same behavior then you can see the fine grain data of which rule is giving you more conversions.

  3. Previously the same session count was shared across all the goal events irrespective of when the goal event was added. Now the goal session count value starts from the moment the goal has been added to an experience. For example, if an experience has already 100 sessions and now if you add the goal event then the session value starts from 1 only for this goal.

  4. Reset - If you wish to reset all the metrics of a particular goal event then you can click on the reset button.

  5. Property Insights - Now along with session values we also provide you the total session value count for a particular property.

Enhanced Event Analyzer[Improved]

Previously you just had the number of times the event has been triggered. Now along with it we provide various other metrics

  1. Triggers: It gives you the number of Total and Unique event triggers. .

  2. Start Sessions: The number of sessions started from the given event.

  3. Average Duration: The average time spent by the visitors on the given event.

  4. Bounce Rate: It gives you the number of sessions in which the visitor is entering and leaving the same event without browsing other pages.

  5. Scroll Depth: It helps you in understanding which page has the most scroll depth and which page has the least scroll depth. You can also see the metrics based on the device type. You can personalize the page which has less scroll depth by showing the relevant content and helping the visitor to go down to the end of the page and get good information about the product.

Enhanced Popup Settings[Improved]

Now under popup settings you can find a new option where you can configure whether popup should be visible only in Desktop, Mobile or both.

Last updated